Public Relations Issues

Some public relations issues taken from the International Public Relations Associations (IPRA) Conference, Global Public Relations Managing Cultural Diversity held in Berlin, 14-17 October 2001

  • There is tendency to return to indigenous culture
  • There is correlation between economic development and Interpersonal Trust
  • Modernization is not westernization but many different modern cultures

(Prof. Samuel Huntington of Harvard University: Toward One Global Culture)

Real professional sets priority of job, not background

  • Networking, preparedness to share and not underestimate
  • Cultural diversity is a spacegoats, it is an excuse of not having been successful for doing things.
  • Stay focus on top priorities ahead.

(Dr Christop Waithler, Chrysler : One Stock, Many Cultures, One Voice)

  • Think local, Act local as local market understand local customer best
  • Reputation is management of quality and innovation
  • Understanding strategy, relationship, creativity and networking. More focused.

(Jonathan Chandler, Coca Cola : Think Local, Act Local)

  • Each global standard must focus on local level
  • Access to the world means to the world responsibility
  • Business enterprise should apply the concept of holistic responsibility and should leave window dressing strategy.
  • How to build the ‘top soil’ issues, how these people selected.

(Eberheard von Kroeber : World Ethics and Global Standard)

The Role of CEO in Corporate Building Reputation

Today is the Age of Everyone, the Age of Celebrity where CEOs are superstars. The role of headhunter has a significant impact toward the growing tendency that celebrity becomes CEO. The role of CEO has a twofold effect : how to manage stakeholders confidence in the age of uncertainty and how to win the war of talent and to cope with the age of diversity. If ones becomes a CEO, he has to be both a business leader and a global nature who concerns with everything from environment protection to personal family reputation. He has to be able to win the battles among the internal prospective CEOs within one company.

  • Reputation is more important than money
  • The trend of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) NOT personal power and integrity.
  • True leaders are the successful story tellers. How to make others listen and do what he is telling.

It is the task of each professional on how to deal with new challenges, new markets, new quality and new performance as the demand toward the establishment of relationship customers is greater.

NGOs on the Frontline

Highlight of Richard Edelman presentation, President and CEO of Edelman Public Relations Worldwide in IPRA Berlin Conference last October.

  • The attack of World Trade Centre or the 11th September has brought tremendous impact worldwide.
  • On the other hand, the empowered consumers : self directing, sharing experience with better educated expect relationship with BRAND, they can no longer persuaded by advertising, rather they need more dialogues.
  • Business so far is unsuccessful in applying only science, technology and gaining profit. There comes the NGOs role. Why these NGOs win the battles? The answers as simple as the following : They are most trusted than the government, media people, CEOs. NGOs have positioned themselves better than governments and media as a source of information in the field human rights, work and environments.
  • Business people are arrogant, PR people are hiding the facts. (64% of respondents of Edelman survey said that the influence of NGOs increased in the past decade)
  • NGO is Global Superbrand. It is easy to understand, factual, selected intelligent persons, generating media attention
  • Public relations people should be particularly aware of their existence. We have to establish good communication, seek out dialogues with them, implement programmes and develop our strategies.
  • If the NGOs on the frontline where are the PR people in creating public opinion?
  • Therefore…. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is MANDATORY, no longer image building as it was in the past.

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