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Perlukah kode etik PR di Indonesia?
Seberapa besar urgensi PR memiliki kode etik profesi? Apakah kelebihan dan kekurangannya – jika ada tindakan oknum PR yang merugikan profesi, bahkan hingga dibawa ke ranah hukum, kode etik mana yang akan menjadi acuan pihak berwenang?
Public Relations di Era COVID-19
Apa yang menjadi pekerjaan PR di era pandemic Covid-19? Hal-hal prinsip apa yang harus dikembangkan PR di masa pandemi? Bagaimana opini Anda mengenai keberhasilan praktek PR selama ini?
The Power of Collaborative Leadership
It is unavoidable for leaders these days to rely more on the intelligence of their team members to cope with an increasingly complex and ever-changing
EGA briefings #1 – Change Triggers
There are conditions and situations under which change is most likely: these should be considered triggers that acts as early warnings and can alert a
PR Insights
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Bulletin No. 27 | May – June 2005
REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR Last Wednesday, on 20th April – Prof Dr Thoby Mutis, the Rector of Trisakti University launched ‘Change for the Small’ campaign – s social campaign designed to assist the street children
Bulletin No. 25 | January – February 2005
REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR We have no words to describe how tragic people lost their lives in the last December earthquake and tsunami that devastated several regions along the Indian Ocean, in the Province of
Bulletin No. 24 | November – December 2004
REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR Every CEO and board with whom the editor has talked has placed a high importance on achieving a good corporate reputation. Executives and directors know that a good reputation allows them
Bulletin No. 23 | September – October 2004
REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR Everyone virtually has a working knowledge of the changes occuring in society and in world business, yet each one of us has somewhat different experiences with these changes. With the ever
Bulletin No. 22 | July – August 2004
REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR There are many ways to Rome, that’s the old saying. In today’s competitive environments, we have wider opportunities to expand our career ideas. We are the ones who control our own
Bulletin No. 21 | May – June 2004
REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR People do not pay attention to what You know, unless they know how you care for others, then You can ask them to do something for you. People give responses if
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Finding Your Personal Qualities
These words represent personality traits people in the business world find positive and attractive. Review this list and select the words that seem to describe you. A – able, accurate, adept, aggressive, analytical, articulate, attractiveB
Key Characteristics
There is a wide agreement that organizational culture refers to a system of shared meaning held by members that distinguishes an organization from the other organizations. On a closer analysis, this is a set of
Change Triggers
There are conditions and situations under which change is most likely; these should be considered triggers that acts as early warnings and can alert a company to the need of heightening its analytic and planning
Tanya Jawab: Public Relations
1. Apa yang menjadi faktor penentu praktek Public Relations? Hasil riset menyebutkan ada 4 faktor penentu praktek PR dalam organisasi. Persepsi Manajemen terhadap PR Budaya Organisasi Kualitas praktisi PR Ada tidaknya pressure group Pakar PR
Trend Public Relations 2020
Dinamika dan tantangan seperti apa yang dihadapi PR tahun 2019? Dinamika praktek PR nampaknya dimonopoli oleh digital dan media sosial. Berbagai krisis mencuat di kalangan perusahaan pelat merah, sementara ratusan individu tertipu dengan upaya komunikasi pemasaran
Public Relations di Era 5.0
1. Era 5.0 menurut Elizabeth Goenawan Ananto, Ph.D, FIPRA Yang saya pahami, era 5.0 merupakan era transformasi digital – merubah berbagai kebiasaan dan cara hidup. Digital diaplikasikan secara nyata dan berpusat pada kehidupan manusia untuk
Kode Etik Profesi PR
1. Seberapa besar urgensi PR memiliki kode etik profesi? Sangat urgent, jika PR mau mendapat pengakuan publik atau lebih tepatnya legalitas terhadap profesi ini. Kode Etik adalah atribut utama dari satu profesi yang mengikat prilaku
Public Relations di Era Disturbing
Era disturbing mengandaikan situasi perubahan yang terus-menerus. Bagaimana upaya yang harus dilakukan seorang praktisi PR untuk terus membuat program-program PR yang dikelolanya senantiasa relevan bagi khalayak yang disasarnya, di era yang kadang unpredictable ini? Jika
Praktisi PR memiliki tanggung jawab untuk membangun reputasi positif perusahaan/organisasinya. Namun disisi lain, ia juga memiliki tanggung jawab kepada publik. Bagaimana menyeimbangkan antara tanggung jawab kepada korporasi dan publik ketika mengalami krisis atau kesalahan, siapa
Public Relations dan Marketing
Bagaimana relasi ideal antara PR dan Marketing dalam sebuah perusahaan? PR bertumpu pada Nilai (Influence, Trust, Support > ROE) sedangkan Marketing fokus kepada Produk/Jasa yang dijual (Sales volume > ROI). Relasi antara PR dan Marketing
Bagaimana menjadi seorang Public Relations yang strategis?
Bagaimana strategi membangun personal branding bagi praktisi PR? Banyak cara untuk membangun personal brand pada umumnya. Untuk praktisi PR Saya mau dikenal sebagai praktisi PR yang bagaimana? PR yang seperti apa? Yang glamor, yang arogan,
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