The Golden World Awards for Excellence in Public Relations, GWA, has attracted a huge number of entries from around the world since the competition started in 1990. Many corporations, state institutions, associations and consultancy firms have realised the value of benchmarking their public relations. Activities against case studies from colleagues in other countries. As a complement to national competitions such as Anugerah Perhumas in Indonesia, the Anvil Awards in the US and the Sword of Excellence Awards in Great Britain, just to name a few.
Public relations campaigns, at local, national, or international level in a wide variety of professional categories can be entered in the Golden World Awards competition.
GWA Listed below are the specific categories in which awards are granted for 2001
- Overall Institutional promoting general relations with all or some publics
- Public Services promoting societal good with philanthropic motivation
- Public Affairs specific short-term effort to influence governmental legislation or regulation, or to elect a political candidate
- Issue Management long-term effort dealing with public policy or policies
- Emergency dealing with disaster or other unpredicted emergency
- Community Relations aimed at publics in one or more particular communities in which the company or institution has a special presence or interest
- Employee Relations designed to increase efficiency or improve morale within the company or institution
- Investor Relations intended to influence present or prospective investors and the financial community
- Marketing (New Product) promoting sales of a tangible product new to the marketplace
- Marketing (Established Product) promoting sales of tangible product that has been on the market for some time
- Marketing (New Service) promoting sales of an intangible service or idea new to the marketplace
- Marketing (Established Service) promoting sales of an intangible service or idea that has been on the market for some time
- Special Event / Observance (under eight days) concentrated opening, celebration, commemoration or created event
- Special Event / Observance (eight days or more) – celebration, commemoration or activity unfolding over a period of time
- Environment concerning a real or alleged threat to the environment
- Arts promoting or fostering the arts by an arts organization or a sponsoring company/ institution
- Other aimed at distributors, members, educators, youth or other special publics
- Public relations campaigns entered in the IPRS Golden World Awards competition must exhibit a high standard of excellence in a variety of programme aspects.
Specifically, each entry will be judged on the basis of its competence in five areas :
- Statement of Problem/ Opportunity
- Research
- Planning
- Execution
- Evaluation