Many young people enter public relations careers without really knowing what public relations is and does.
The following are ordinary comments when they are asked.
- I like people, i like to communicate with many different and prominent people
- I like to appear in public, that makes me popular
- I like camera, tv, all broadcasting – that’s exciting
- I like to serve and entertain other people
There is nothing wrong with their expressions, but if you really want to pursue your career in public relations you had better prepare yourself academically and professionally. That is the best way to do it unless you add more problem images to the public relations profession in Indonesia.
- Ask yourself if you are a good communicator. Can you communicate well with others orally and in writing? Can you speak and write easily?
- Be honest to yourself : Do you have the ability to be the agent of change? Do you have the power to influence people? Do they listen to you?
- Do you know the essentials of public relations?
Here are some basic requirements for success in public relations (Cutlip, 2000)
- Skill – skills for producing effective writing and persuasive speaking
- Knowledge – in depth knowledge of various media, the understanding of management process
- Abilities – problem solving, decision making. Ability to handle people and generate confidence. Assume responsibility
- Qualities – work with common sense, emotional stability. You should have drive and enthusiasm, a wide range of interest and intellectual curiosity, be tolerant of frustration and a good listener.
Basically, public relations practitioners should possess a combination of these knowledge, abilities and skill on how to communicate, organize, get on with people, personal integrity, imagination and style.
- Contact the Editor on email : for online free personal consultation on pursuing careers in public relations. Email will be answered to those who give name, position and complete address.