Secretariat EGA briefings

Lihat rekaman dan diskusi Tell the Truth, the whole truth, Nothing but the Truth.Apakah kredo public relations ini dapat dipraktekan secara nyata, karena yang sering terjadi adalah Tell the Truth, but not the whole truth.  Bagaimana dengan Reputasi? Reputation is like a shadow of a tree. The real is the tree itself. Reputasi dibangun dari Trust – kepercayaan,

REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR The major objective of business executives is to achieve a better ratio of output to input in each element of business activity, in other words, to make each element more profitable. In many instances, money is only the common denominator or measure of the elements which go into the productivity equation.

REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR Successful leaders develop an entrepreneurial mindset, including the ability to hold on to ideas over time. They don’t necessarily move on them right away, but they don’t forget about them either. Strong leaders learn from failure. If things go wrong, leaders do not call it failure. Typically, they describe what happened

REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR Every board or stop executives with whom the editor has talked or worked  has placed a high importance on achieving a good corporate reputation. executives and directors know that a good reputation allows them to attract more capital, gain a higher multiple  for their market share, enhance their recruiting efforts, Improve

REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR It has been two years since to EGA briefings – the bi-monthly source for promising executives come to its readers. EGA briefings is aimed at sharing trends, knowledge, strategies and tactics relating to the practice of communications public relations and management issues. Each issue is meant to develop the reader’s potential

REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR Never has communication been so important to all walks of life as it is today. In global politics, we see communicators in whatever forms he takes, disseminate messages to the worldwide audience, shaping a country’s image, telling about outside of the story in time of crisis. In corporate level, in military

REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR In the present era of global communication, more individuals enter the international market, ethical problems are likely to increase. As organizations, their managers and staff deal with their counterparts in different countries, there is a need to understand ethical ways of conduct starting as basic as interpersonal communication skills.  Lately, survey

REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR Working smart can be confusing, especially for recent graduate or young professionals. As we progress in our career, we discover that we will need to handle ambiguous situations constantly. The nature and scope of our responsibilities, how to interact effectively with colleagues, how to get things done, decide how much risk

REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR Despite some pessimistic predictions of 2002 in addition to the ever increasing social consequences living in the transition period of the unpredictable future, we have to be optimistic. Pessimists see problems in life. Optimists see problems as both challenges and opportunities.  Any organization may raised and fall with leadership. The key

REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR In  the early days of 2001, government officials, business executives, economic and political observers were busy responding to the demand of regional autonomy in this country, however, towards the end of the year the application of this new concept remains debatable. Today, we see more  and more people are showing less

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