Self Investment

How to build your employment value

  • Suppose you are an office employee, in whatever level you are assigned, you will be running the risk of losing your job if you do not follow the trends and do not consider that self investment is necessary to keep up with the tremendous change in office routines.

To be in demand

  • Office support staff need the skills to do graphics for presentations, manage complex communication systems, need strategic thinking and employ all efforts to work more efficiently.
  • If you are a middle manager, you need more knowledge and skills of office management in dealing with unpredictable events in such instability of political and economical situations. Possible strikes due to increased demand of employees will have a significant impact on product delay or service distribution, let alone financial risks.
  • If you are an entrepreneur – you will lose your money. If you are an employee your career is at risk.
  • If you are a manager, you have to be ready in dealing with unexpected events inside and outside your organization. Be prepared with handling issues and crisis management.

Organization reputation is number one, but your personal integrity is somewhat dominant. You will lose your chance of getting a higher position just because you pay no attention to your ‘personal enterprise’ – your employment value.

  • Today’s career is frightening, like a game with the unexpected moves and rules, often random, twists and turns. A mistake can mean that game : your career – is over.

If you are not ready to leave your present job in the next three years, you need to learn the tips from C.D. Peterson in his book Staying in Demand, on how to increase your self investment

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