How to deal with difficult audience
Dealing with different people is an art, dealing with a difficult audience is a real challenge.
Before you make a presentation, you need to know some strategy on how to face your audience. Try to understand the type and apply these tips:
- Positive type
This type is a great help in your discussion, use them frequently - Talkative type
Intervene tactfully and limit their speaking time - Persistent type
Avoid the trap, never get involved in an argument. Respond tactfully - Arrogant type
Let the audience deal with their theories and viewpoints
Review them and answer the questions gently - Uncooperative type
Recognize their knowledge and experience, use them wherever possible - Intellectually superior type
Listen and consider, but do not criticize. Use Yes But technique
You can be an effective speaker if you care for your : Appearance, Posture, Gestures, Eye Contact and Facial Expressions because experts say that we gather information by Sight (87%), Hearing (7%), Smell (3,5%), Touch (1,5%), Taste (1%)
(Source : The Art of Effective Communication, Charles J. Margerison)