
Do you agree that each subordinate has his/her own target and continuous responsibility to come to the agreeable standard of achievement? Do you know the contribution of each member of your team and encourage the other members to do the same? In term of success, do you acknowledge and encourage further success? In term of

Communication through email has been a global business practice since the 1990s. If you communicate through email, there will be no longer international phone bills, there will be no charge for express courier services, no waiting for overseas mails – we don’t have to wait until late at night to call a friend overseas due

The world is divided into people who do things – and people who get the credit (Dwight Morror) Organizations have hierarchies and they do mean something. The trend may be towards flatter organization structures and more informal styles, but senior people are, well –  senior. There is something of a balancing act to be done

A problem in understanding non-verbal communication is that the meaning of many movements and gestures are culturally determined. Verbal and non-verba language differs from one culture to another. These differences can lead to quite serious misunderstanding. Research carried out by Cumpertz et al in 1979 found that the way Asian People speak English in Britain

Set Objective – WHat is the goal, purpose, or basic reason for holding a meeting? Participation –  Include only participants who can influence the fulfillment of the meeting objective Agenda – Through a memo, let participants know in advance : the purpose for meeting, the time, the place, topics to be discussed, what materials (plans,

Agnes Huff, Ph.D has the following suggestions that can help you manage communications in the event of crisis and protect your company’s reputation. Always prepare for a variety of crisis situations Be realistic about the outcome expected Communicate with empathy, compassion and care Develop a communications plan for your team and train them  Enlist the

Some typical answers if we are asked how successful our internal communication we spontaneously answer ‘good’ ‘fine’ ‘there is nothing wrong’. Is that so? Do you think you have  effective communications in your organization?You can evaluate the degree of interaction and coordination between your department and others as to increase your organization effectiveness in communication.

How to deal with difficult audience Dealing with different people is an art, dealing with a difficult audience is a real challenge.Before you make a presentation, you need to know some strategy on how to face your audience. Try to understand the type and apply these tips: Positive typeThis type is a great help in

All business  functions require communications. That is why communications skill are highly valued by organizations. Check these functions, how often you practice them : Instructing – directing – informing – reporting – disseminating – information – exchanging opinion – generating enthusiasm – resolving conflicts – analyzing situations and problems – motivating – negotiating – selling

Communicating is not something that just happens. It requires attention to the substance of your message, how you present it, how to get the best chance of being correctly received and understood.Here are some signs of poor communications that are expressed in the following statement :  I wish i knew what she was talking about

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