Entrepreneur are risk takers. They have a strong desire to be their own boss rather than work for someone else. These hard-working individuals first make a business plan and then form an organization to achieve the objective. Some entrepreneurs set up new companies or business while others revitalizing existing ones.
Just in case you lost your present job, the following questions will add to your confidence for being an entrepreneur. Answer Yes or No. After you finish, look at the scoring key at the bottom of the page. Assign a score to each question and then add up your points to see if you are a real entrepreneurial!
- Does money motivate you?
- Are you a risk taker?
- Do you get disappointed and discouraged easily?
- Is status important to you?
- Are you attracted by challenges?
- Would you like to have your income limited only by your abilities and energies?
- Do you mind working extremely long and irregular hours?
- Would you like to answer only to yourself?
- Are you creative and innovative?
- Is the financial security that corporate employment provides is very important to you?
- Do you always set goals in your life and strive to accomplish them?
- Are corporate benefits, such as paid vacations, sick leave, insurance benefits and regular paycheck very important to you?
- Are you considered persuasive and influential in your dealings and relationship with others?
- Do you have a strong need to direct or a need to do everything yourself?
- Is emotional satisfaction in your work life extremely important to you?
- 2 yes, 1 no
- 2 yes, 1 no
- 1 yes, 2 no
- 1 yes, 2 no
- 2 yes, 1 no
- 2 yes, 1 no
- 1 yes, 2 no
- 2 yes, 1 no
- 1 yes, 2 no
- 2 yes, 1 no
- 2 yes, 1 no
- 1 yes, 2 no
- 2 yes, 1 no
- 2 yes, 1 no
- 2 yes, 1 no
27-30 You definitely are entrepreneurial. What business would you like to start?
22-26 You have entrepreneurial tendencies, but prefer the security and status of corporate employment
19-22 Going into business for yourself could be a bit risky for you. Be careful15-18 You definitely shouldn’t go into business for yourself. It could be dangerous