Personal networking:
A direct marketing technique.
It is accepted as the most effective of the job search methods. Many job seekers and others who are looking for opportunities are using this method. Experts advise targeting to focus on the best probable sources of job leads. They no longer recommend ‘stranger’ as a prospective candidate until he or she has a special track record.
The old rules of networking emphasize that
- Everybody is a potential network member
- Always be ready to network instantly
- Keep records on everyone you meet
- Put a tickler on your records
- Stay in touch with everybody
Today, people recognize that old rules are no longer effective, they can do little to help you ‘STAY IN DEMAND’. Most networks end up as little more than piles of business cards with never ending commitment.
Networks now need to be managed by new rules:
- View your network as a long term commitment
- Carefully pick network members who can help you and whom you can help
- Build quality relationships, not quantity contacts.
- Produce results for your network members and let them know how to produce results for you.
- Start your network through friends, family and others who know you and who will actively help.
(Source: Staying in Demand, C.D. Peterson)