Secretariat EGA briefings

REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR A bi-monthly source for promising executives – the prospectives leaders in the future. EGA briefings are aimed at sharing trends, knowledge, strategies and tactics, current issues relating you the communications management development. Each issues is meant to develop the reader’s potential as an individual in the hope that it will inspire

Tips of the month this time talks about “Do you really want to change?”. In communications section, this issue talks about different styles of communication, and selling the Boss on Your Idea. Other topics are the myth and reality from public relations, New Concepts of Management, Find out the characteristics of true leader as stated by Peter Drucker, The Five Principles of Ethnical Power of Individuals, Tips to avoid some common mistakes – English Corner, Tips for job hunting and How to get EGA Briefings.

Most people like changes, but only a few are willing to change. No matter how far you are behind somebody, if you do not move quickly, you will be left behind. But you begin thinking on how to get going, you will have to know where to start. Do you really want to change?Follow these

Myth :Public Figure – Someone who like people – celebrity party organizer – artist – glamorous publicity, extensive promotion, dealing with the commercial world and external public only. Reality :Public Relations is dealing with issue management, reputation management, crisis management, engineering of trust, establishing relationship of an organization and its public based on mutual understanding

Corporations and organizations are increasingly viewed as NOT hierarchical structures fitting a traditional organization chart, BUT as adaptable organism, made up of more smaller organisms and existing in an interacting with a large whole. Management was the welding of power, NOW dealing with empowering individuals to respond creatively to changing situations. Intuition is becoming honored

Find out the characteristics of true leader as stated by Peter Drucker Leaders aren’t threatened by by others who have strengths they lack Leaders don’t want clones of themselves as employees. They never ask : ‘ Do I like or dislike this employee?’ But they do not tolerate poor performance. Leaders continually ask ‘What are

Purpose : Be ethically sound, conscience guided, feel good about myself Pride : Not need the acceptance of others to feel important. Balanced self-esteem keeps the ego and desire Patience : Have a strong belief that things will eventually work out well. Do not expect instant result and be at peace with what comes Persistence

Seek more chances for interviews Adjust your approach to each company’s culture Be consistent with all your personal qualifications Apply ‘interpersonal communication’ skills Try to access the hidden job opportunities Be on time, positive thinking and assertive Preparation for Job Hunting Evaluate your strong and weak points– Work condition : entrepreneur or employee, stress or

Communicating is not something that just happens. It requires attention to the substance of your message, how you present it, how to get the best chance of being correctly received and understood.Here are some signs of poor communications that are expressed in the following statement :  I wish i knew what she was talking about

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