January 1, 2005

REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR We have no words to describe how tragic people lost their lives in the last December earthquake and tsunami that devastated several regions along the Indian Ocean, in the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and North Sumatra. No more tears shall drop for our lost ones, let them rest in peace

These words represent personality traits people in the business world find positive and attractive. Review this list and select the words that seem to describe you. A – able, accurate, adept, aggressive, analytical, articulate, attractiveB – bilingual, bright, brilliantC – capable, competent, confident, cooperative, creativeD – dedicated, dependable, detail-oriented, dynamicE – educated, effective, efficient, energetic,

Public relations as a profession is changing rapidly. Globalization of worldwide markets and organizational restructuring are two major influences on the practice of public relations. Practitioners are no longer technicians who shape and distribute the messages from their organizations, they are demanded professionals who shape the relationship of the organization with its various constituents. Public

You might be struggling with office politics or a difficult boss, facing ethical dilemmas, wondering how to get a promotion, or deciding if you should change your career field, the tips are suitable for you. In the dot.com company, the knowledge workers get paid foro their education, knowledge and mind. Here are the following tips

Marketing is not a department. It is an ethos that pervades the whole organization, so that proper training and internal marketing are crucial Always look at issues from the customer perspective Keeping customers is easier than winning new ones Prepare a plan, follow it and follow it up. Prove it with action, not words Get

Some leaders are not effective Why employees do not want to listen to them? To be effective leaders, we should have Personal Leadership Qualities Leaders must themselves exhibit the work habits, attitudes and priorities they expect of their subordinates if their leadership is to be the most effective Exhibiting confidence in an increasingly uncertain situation

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