May 1, 2004

REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR People do not pay attention to what You know, unless they know how you care for others, then You can ask them to do something for you. People give responses if someone is sincere. It does not mean that You give something. It really means that You have your personal interests

Suppose you are an office employee, in whatever level you are assigned, you will be running the risk of losing your job if you do not follow the trends and do not consider that self investment is necessary to keep up with the tremendous change in office routines. To be in demand Office support staff

People do not pay attention   on what You know, unless they know how You careFor others. Communication your care to others, then you can ask them to do something for you. People give response if someone is sincere. It does not mean that you give something. It really means that you have your personal

Human resources managers in a global environment requires a fundamental shift from traditional administrative personnel manager to intellectual capital management in the way the organization value work. The forgotten assets are largest intangible and include Human assets – knowledge, skills, creativity and experience Intellectual assets – information, memoranda, illustrations and publications Structural assets – culture,

Development and human resource empowerment are the two challenges of today’s leadership. There are some methods on how to assess the success of a leader You can predict a leader’s intelligence by looking at the people around him. This is not a matter of IQ, but he believes that a growing successful leader will improve

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