January 1, 2002

REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR Despite some pessimistic predictions of 2002 in addition to the ever increasing social consequences living in the transition period of the unpredictable future, we have to be optimistic. Pessimists see problems in life. Optimists see problems as both challenges and opportunities.  Any organization may raised and fall with leadership. The key

Some typical answers if we are asked how successful our internal communication we spontaneously answer ‘good’ ‘fine’ ‘there is nothing wrong’. Is that so? Do you think you have  effective communications in your organization?You can evaluate the degree of interaction and coordination between your department and others as to increase your organization effectiveness in communication.

While the subject of public relations is generally understood to be a management discipline, many top executives in various industries choose either not to identify with it at all. Most of them define PR as a subset of marketing or press relations. Global expansion of industry and commerce has not only brought public relations management

Believe it or not that the most effective people in managerial work are those who tend to bend the stereotype of managerial behavior? Many brilliant, experienced, industrious some are really promising persons have been trying to do what they think the best, in fact few of them have the quality of leadership that we need

Focus on your work  Do not concentrate heavily on details Keeping on top of trends in your industry and the world in general  Your personal success directly corresponds to your network  Treat both insider and outsider of your organization as client Admit mistakes and take responsibility for the right away  Leaving a brief phone message

Managers must determine the needs or their employees Manager must find out what their employees want from their jobs Managers must first set their own performance goals and objectives before they can sit down with their employees to formulated their goals Managers must ensure that star performers are rewarded more than good performers and good

Things will go according to my plan. Some parts of my play won’t work, i don’t know which one I can control the events in my life. Unexpected events are bound to occur. I will have to be ready The world is logical and predictable. The world is chaotic and illogical The status quo is

A recent Council of Public Relations Firms survey of 300 firms, found that the top 10 US firms had combined revenues of $ 2,974,000 and an 88% market share in 2000.  Smaller firms had a larger share of the market than in previous years, not only due to an increase in the number of firms

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