Leveraging Collaborative Leadership and Strategic Communication
Join this strategic meeting for professionals and academia of public relations in the national and global perspectives. IPRS presents the latest trend and challenges in regional business and non-business practice dealing with communication management.
Future Outlook Asia: Challenge and Opportunity
Dr. Roger HayesSenior Counselor, APCO Worldwide, UK
Adjunct Faculty, Henley Business School, UK
Securing Business through Collaborative Leadership, Engagement and Trust
Raymond Siva – CEO, Edelman Indonesia
Advancing Asia Agenda in Digital Market
The Dynamic of Global Economy Affecting Asia
Faisal Al-Zahrani – Director of Media & PR, Saudi Ministry of Health, SAUDI ARABIAEstablishing Collaboration through Digital Communication
Robert Grupp – President, Grupp Global Partners, USAThe Impact of Digital Technology on Business and Community
Ong Hock Chuan – Technical Advisor, Maverick, INDONESIAThe Influence of DIgital Communication on Non-financal Sectors
Dr. Kiranjit Kaur – Professor, Universiti Teknologi Mara, MALAYSIA
Global Challenges of Collaborative Leadership
Securing Leadership on Competitive Era
Dr. Zehra Gungor – IPRA President 2014, TURKEYCollaborative Leadership for Stakeholders Engagement
Dr. Roger Hayes – Senior Counselor, APCO Worldwide, UKTransforming Leadership Values for Securing Internal Support
–Communicating Corporate Values for International Reputation
Securing Business trough Reputation, Engagement and Trust
Positioning CSR in Competitive Era
Dr. M. Gunawan Alif – Chairman, Indonesian CSR Society, INDONESIAMeasuring Effectiveness of Communication in Critical Situation
Dr. Che Su Mustaffa – Professor, Universiti Utara Malaysia, MALAYSIAEffective Crisis Communication and Crisis Management
Dr. Timothy Coombs – Professor, Texas A&M University, USAThe Dynamic of Cross Cultural Communication for MNCs
David Donohue – Managing Director, Queensland Corp. Comm Network, AUSTRALIA
Stakeholder Engagement through Strategic Communication
The Role of Strategic Communication in Different Organizational Settings
Agung Laksamana, M.Sc – Chaieman, PERHUMAS, INDONESIAGetting the Maximum Results for Internal Communication
–Positioning Public Relations in Corporate Strategy
Elizabeth Goenawan ananto, Ph.D, FIPRA – Founder & Director, EGA briefings, INDONESIALeveranging Stakeholder Engagement Through Communication
Is Nugroho, MHRM – Vice President, Kangean Energy Indonesia, INDONESIA
The Accountability of Social Media: Its Impact on Business and Society
The Changing Pattern of Measurement and Evaluation
Elizabeth Goenawan ananto, Ph.D, FIPRA – Founder & Director, EGA briefings, INDONESIAMeasuring the Impact of Social Media on Business Profit
Don W. Stacks, Ph.D – Professor & Director, PR Graduate Study, University of Miami, USAThe Role of Ethics & Security in Social Media Dynamics
Arif Budisusilo, MM – Chief Editor, Bisnis Indonesia, INDONESIAThe Application of Measurement and Evaluation for Social Behaviour
Dr. Ronel Rensburg – Professor, University of Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA
The Challenge & Opportunities of Communication Scholars in Digital Era
Yuliandre Darwis, Ph.D – Chairman, ISKI, INDONESIAYour Career in Public Relations
Erika Ananto, MM – Managing Director, EGA briefings, INDONESIAEffective Crisis Communication and Crisis Management
Dr. Timothy Coombs – Professor, Texas A&M University, USAThe Dynamic of Cross Cultural Communication for MNCs
David Donohue – Managing Director, Queensland Corp. Comm Network, AUSTRALIASPEAKERS
DATANGKAN PAKAR DUNIA DARI 5 BENUA KE JAKARTAInternational Public Relations Summit yang merupakan konferensi PR terbesar di kawasan Asia, akan dilaksanakan di Ballroom Hotel Pullman Thamrin Jakarta, 10-13 Mei 2016 dengan tema “Positioning Asia in Digital World: Leveraging Collaborative Leadership and Strategic Communication”.
Profil peserta IPRS 2016 adalah pejabat pemerintah, wakil negara sahabat, praktisi komunikasi senior, praktisi bisnis, pengusaha, akademisi. Ditargetkan sebanyak 200 peserta akan hadir dari negara Asia Pasifik sebagai kelanjutan dari Public Relations Week Indonesia (2005-2014).
Kata kunci dalam era persaingan terbuka, yang pertama adalah kolaborasi. Tanpa kolaborasi, kita tidak memiliki aliansi yang dapat mendukung kita untuk bergerak maju. Kata kunci kedua adalah komunikasi strategis. Berdasarkan kedua kata kunci tersebut EGA Briefings berkolaborasi dengan MM Komunikasi Universitas Trisakti, dibantu oleh pakar guru besar kelas dunia menggelar International Public Relations Summit.Dipastikan hadir dalam konferensi IPRS 2016 Jakarta:– Sesi Plenary akan menampilkan Dr. Roger Hayes (konselor senior dari APCO Worldwide, Inggris), Raymond Siva (CEO Edelman, Indonesia), serta Kartika Wirjoatmodjo (Direktur Utama, Bank Mandiri)
– Pembicara lain: Dr Don W. Stacks (USA), Dr Timothy Coombs (USA), Robert Grupp (USA), Jean Valin (Canada), Faisal Al-Zahrani (Saudi Arabia), Dr. Ronel Rensburg (South Africa). Dr Zehra Gungor (Turkey), David Donohue (Australia), Dr Che Su Mustafa (Malaysia), Dr. Kiranjit Kaur (Malaysia)
Pembicara dalam negeri: Elizabeth Goenawan Ananto, Ph.D (EGA briefings), Is Nugroho, MHRM (Kangean Energy Indonesia), Dr. M Gunawan Alif (Indonesian CSR Society), Ong Hock Chuan (Maverick Indonesia), Agung Laksamana, MSc (Perhumas) dan Yuliandre Darwis, Ph.D (ISKI)
“Kami datangkan pakar, guru dunia ke Indonesia untuk meningkatkan kualitas praktisi komunikasi, khususnya komunikasi strategis yang dituntut dalam era digital ini “ demikian Elizabeth Goenawan Ananto, Ph.D, FIPRA, selaku Penggagas IPRS.
IPRS 2016 didukung oleh Bank Mandiri – Indofood – Telkomsel – BNI. Endorser oleh Edelman Indonesia – Perhumas – ISKI. Media Partner dengan Metro TV – ANTARA – Jawa Pos – Media Indonesia – Sindo Weekly – Tempo.co – Bisnis Indonesia – Bisnis.com – Majalah PR Indonesia
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi Erika Ananto (0815 888 0272) – director@egabriefings.com atau Sekretariat EGA briefings di 021 563 0777.