Dr. M. Gunawan Alif

CSR Society

Beside as senior lecturer, he is a Business Incubator Director at Sampoerna University. He started his academic career in Sampoerna University on July 2013 as head of School of Management, and becoming Vice Rector of Operations (2015-August 2017), then appointed as Director of Business Incubator (September 2017-now). He is also a guest lecturer and PhD Supervisor and examiner at the University of Indonesia and Binus Doctoral Research in Management, and also teaches in MM Comm Trisakti. In 2016 he was cofounder of Indonesia CSR Society (ICSRS) and elected as the first ICSRS Chairman till now.

Previously (2009-2013), he is a senior consultant working with Ideas and Spirit Marketing Communications Consulting, prior as a Creative Partner at The BrandMakers. In this function, he was active in developing marketing communication program and training for some Indonesian strong brand, including as trainer for Top Management Courses for PT Telkom Indonesia and other private and public companies. He was a team leader in developing Destination/City Branding concept and strategy (Ministry of Interior), environmental communication strategy and tactics (Ministry of Population and Environment), and population control communication planning (Agency for Population Planning).

After got his PhD in 2006, he becomes senior lecturer of Strategic Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC), IMC Seminar, Consumer Behavior, Strategic Brand Management, Innovation Management, Media Management, and Issues & Crisis Management, at Graduate School of Management FEUI, MMUI, MM Binus Business School, Trisakti Business School (MM Comm), Graduate School of Communication LSPR, and Kalbis Institute, before joining Sampoerna Business School.

He has wide experience conducted corporate training for senior executives of private and public companies and also as speaker at various public seminars of marketing communications, brand and media management, and CSR and Sustainability. He is member of Judges on previous Corporate CSR and Public Relations Awards.

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