Starting 2025 EGA briefings ACADEMY Positioning PR as Strategic Corporate Function in ManagementThe centre for developing professional excellence in meeting the demand of sustainable industry. About EGA briefings Academy PROBLEM We are living in a disruptive era where strategic communication is needed more than ever before. The rising demand for qualified professionals that understand the
EGA briefings
EGA briefiings Annual Conference presents world class speakers, distinguished professors, public relations professionals, and top executives in industries.
The Strategic Role of Internal Communication Citadines Sudirman Jakarta | Wed-Thu, 15-16 May 2024 Get insight on issues, knowledge, strategy and tactics on designing effective internal communication, the alignment with the Human Resource department to boost Employee Engagement and Change Management. Registration Form Workshop Fee Workshop Overview Organizations need to recognize the crucial roles of
2-Day Workshop Practical Guide forPR Research, Measurement and Evaluation Citadines Sudirman Jakarta 2025 This RME workshop goes well beyond simply measuring the effectiveness of communication. This two-day interactive workshop is focused on the alignment of theoretical and best practices based on real situation each participant is addressing in his or her organization. Registration Form Workshop Fee
Invest in professional development for your communication function – building a baseline for strong communications and business skills, integrated approach and specialties.
An educational campaign to share the knowledge with public at large in Indonesia about public relations as a professional practice.
Seberapa besar urgensi PR memiliki kode etik profesi? Apakah kelebihan dan kekurangannya – jika ada tindakan oknum PR yang merugikan profesi, bahkan hingga dibawa ke ranah hukum, kode etik mana yang akan menjadi acuan pihak berwenang?
Special Edition
Lihat rekaman dan diskusi Nation Branding is the strategic imperative for sustainable market competitiveness. Nation branding is crucial in order to attract investment, boost exports, attract tourists and talented workforce Nation branding stands between public diplomacy and economic benefits. Menurut Simon Anholt dengan hexagon teorinya – ada 6 variable yang membentuk Nation Brand suatu Negara
Lihat rekaman dan diskusi Tell the Truth, the whole truth, Nothing but the Truth.Apakah kredo public relations ini dapat dipraktekan secara nyata, karena yang sering terjadi adalah Tell the Truth, but not the whole truth. Bagaimana dengan Reputasi? Reputation is like a shadow of a tree. The real is the tree itself. Reputasi dibangun dari Trust – kepercayaan,