March 1, 2002

REMARKS FROM THE EDITOR Working smart can be confusing, especially for recent graduate or young professionals. As we progress in our career, we discover that we will need to handle ambiguous situations constantly. The nature and scope of our responsibilities, how to interact effectively with colleagues, how to get things done, decide how much risk

You cannot always control circumstances. But you can control your own thoughts. In today’s skeptical environment, how you position and present yourself to your customers and prospective employer determines how much access to the marketplace you can ultimately achieve. How can you position and begin to present yourself effectively? Begin by focusing in the buyer’s

Agnes Huff, Ph.D has the following suggestions that can help you manage communications in the event of crisis and protect your company’s reputation. Always prepare for a variety of crisis situations Be realistic about the outcome expected Communicate with empathy, compassion and care Develop a communications plan for your team and train them  Enlist the

Public relations should be an approach more than a technique. It is a framework that ensures consistency and maintains transparency, not a means to hide uncomfortable facts as a result of management defect. A study by W. J. Keegan reported in The Administrative Science Quarterly in 1994 of the information sources drawn on by senior

People do not pay attention to what you know, unless they know how you care for others. Communicate your care to others, then you can ask them to do something for You. people give responses if someone is sincere. It does nor mean that you give something. It really means that You have your personal

Positive attitudes, behaviors and language are the most critical ingredients, supported by constant application, interpretation, and examples provided by organizational leadership. Virtually all studies of employee satisfaction show that influencing employee attitudes is more effectively done by local managers and supervisors than by any other force within a business or organization.  Here are the most

How to put your future in the palm of someone’s hand. Why are business cards important? Think business cards as a mobile, one-dimensional version of yourself. An effective card is arguably the most valuable marketing tool you can have in building a business. A business card creates and makes a statement about who you are

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